Wednesday, March 7, 2007

A harem does not have to be equal to an enforced community

Today, I received a nice e-mail from Harry (Holland). He has built a website in Dutch in order to support his quest to find like-minded polyamory people in Holland. His site is His definition of polyamory is wide -- I translate freely from his mail: "as long as your relationship is not enforced or misleading, you can call it polyamory. The structure you give it, is your personal implementation." Thanks Harry, for being such a positive person.

The word "harem" might frighten some people. On the Dutch polyamory website, I saw another discussion forum where some reactions were going bluntly against the use of the word "harem" without trying to find out whether the intentions of the use were open and honest, or not. Just by its structure, a community with one alpha male and four woman is named a polygamous relationship or harem. Whether the harem implies enforced stay, locking up, eunuch guards, etc is a choice of implementation. For those who still have their doubts, my implimentation has nothing to do with enforcement.

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